Eternal Athlete
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advanced Powerlifting
Twenty one weeks of an intensely detailed powerlifting program including five training blocks with two mock meets to prepare anyone for a 9/9 platform performance.
A training program for my different breeds out there. Emphasizing maximum total body strength without compromizing muscle gain by cutting out the trinity of squat bench and deadlift. Simply bigger. Faster. Stronger.
Personalized Coaching
Coaching that is based on your goals. With options available for weekly training video review. In person discussion. Nuitrition coaching. All of your needs bundled and personalized to you. Take this questionnaire and book a call to learn more.

The goal is muscle mass and this training protocol will help you achieve the dream we all started with. Muscle building has became so confusing for so many people lets simplify it. With twenty weeks of bringing it back to the basics.
Athletic performance
Running is the ultimate expression of human performance. Run faster jump higher move like an athlete. With this twenty week training program. If running is a waterfall to everything you better start today
A CO-written physique plan for women that are looking for a strong hourglass aesthetic. While learning the basics to building an all around athletic build.

Mobility is essential to learning how your body moves, preventing injury, relaxation and muscles firing as they should. This protocol is everything you need to know about laying the foundation for your body while strengthening ranges of motion you never thought possible.
What’s more important than your overall health? Nothing. This protocol details everything anyone can do to become the healthiest person day to day you can be.
General wellness training
Lifting for sport isn’t everyones goal. Move better. Feel better. More endurance in your day to day life. This program will have you feeling younger. Period.

Eternal Athletes